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All bracelets DIY

My mother enjoys tossing embarrassing stories of my childhood in the direction of anybody who will listen (if you are my friend and have met my mum, you will most likely have heard a fistful of these stories – enough to blackmail me for the rest of my life, really … On that note, I hope we will stay friends always…).

One of her favourites is the one where I would drape heaps of cheap kiddy accessories around my arms and neck and parade myself around the house.

She also recounts in excruciating detail the way I looked (deliriously proud), and how I would burst into tears if she tried to make me take them off before leaving the house (disastrous).

At this point, my friend will already have been in stitches.

Which is nice, mum. Real nice.

Obviously though – stupid story aside – this obsession for accessories has stuck with me all my life.

At some young age or other, I decided to save myself the indignity of begging for more kiddy accessories and started to make my own. When I look back at them now, they’re pretty embarrassing and I can’t believe I ever had the courage to actually wear them.

Also shocking is the fact that I even kept them.

In recent days, I have re-discovered my passion for DIY again, and now I wonder why I ever stopped. It’s pretty addictive, once you get started.

So tell me, does anybody out there enjoy DIY accessories too? Let me know in the comments below – I’d love to hear your story!

xo, minty