
I know we say this time and time again, but we just really do appreciate our readers like crazy and there really is no way we will ever stop feeling like we’ve said thank you enough.

That’s just really how it is.

We feel so fortunate to be a part of such a wonderful community of like-minded people in the Blogosphere, and to even have had the insane honour of receiving several shout-outs from various companies on their Facebook pages! (We still can’t believe it! PINCH US!!)

Everyone has been so kind to us and so generous with their support, so I’m dedicating this post to all the bloggers and companies who have taken the time to show us a little love, just to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Seriously, if you don’t know them by now, you should totally check them out!





We’re also seriously grateful to the many people over on Tumblr who have taken a second to reblog our pictures. It makes us ridiculously happy to see that our pictures have inspired some of the Tumblr community!

You have no idea how blessed we feel to have received such mad love from those of you who’ve fan-mailed us, left us awesome comments, bookmarked us, subscribed to us, or just the ones who keep returning to read our verbal vomit.

Bless you all, and may you always enjoy an endless stream of happiness, love and pure awesomeness in your daily lives.




p.s. Have we left you out? We didn’t mean to – it’s just an incredibly wordy process to track all the backlinks on Google, so in the event that we’ve accidentally overlooked you, e-mail us and we’ll rectify this heinous problem immediately. (WE NEED TO HONOUR YOU!!)

xo, Minty + Peaches